Friday, January 28, 2011

Under the Knife

Surgery seems to be successful and I am walking around. Time to get back to some photography....before the wife has me back to her "Honey Do" list.

Have started on the project to make my garage into a part-time studio.  My garage is a 3 car with 10 foot ceiling.  The doors are 7 feet in height and the cheap ass contractor only put the rails for the doors high enough for the doors, so they were at about 8 feet.  I had them raised to the ceiling and, looking at it now, it's something I should have done studio or not.  Next items are to get an estimate on a small A/C unit for the garage (about 9 months of the year it's too hot to be in there long), and then cabinets and floor painting - meaning I have to clean all the crap out of it.

The plan is to have a space I can convert from garage to studio in about 2 hours by pulling cars out, mopping the floor, turning on the A/C and then putting up lights and backdrop.   Conversion back hopefully a little shorter time.  Most of it, with the exception of the A/C, would be done to have a finished garage anyway so it's really a garage finishing project.  Up 'til now I've used the living room which is not as big and has the additional disadvantage of the aforementioned wife not wanting her furniture moved all over.


The image is from a shoot I did to get an entry for the 2009 Dirty Show.  The image I submitted was accepted, I did not submit this one.


  1. Just beware. Wives see teh open studio space as storage capacity and will "clean" your stuff from teh house to teh available space.

    PS, don't over look heating. With these colder winters we have more and more days when it is too cold to go out side. And usually it is also too cold in the garage.

    Take it form me, models whine after just s few minutes on a cement floor in January.

  2. I'll have to see if I can borrow some of ShadowScapes's models from Minnesota for winter shooting. Heard a lot of whining when shooting at Unbelievable Acres a couple of weeks ago from the local models and it had to have been at least 50 degrees. Dave's models would feel like a heatwave was there.
