Fantasy Fest in Key West is over. I am now home for a while, haven't blogged because of a confluence of factors, alcohol, parties, late nights but most importantly I was having trouble seeing, the world was blurry. I resolved the problem this morning, in time to split the driving in the rainstorms, bad timing that. The problem appears to have been operator error, maybe aided and abetted by the aforementioned factors but operator error is the proximate cause. I think I put the damn contacts in backward. This morning I put in two new ones, from the same lot as the last, and can again see with only minor astigmatic impairment.
I downloaded my pictures, snapshots really, to my primary computer tonight and will try to have some posts on events of the past week starting tomorrow. I am also processing some for friends, these are pictures they are in and will remain private unless they choose to share them.
It may be over but the posting to the web is just beginning as everyone sobers up enough to operate their computers.