Tuesday, October 12, 2010

F***ing Computers

Well I have all the parts but my backup program seems to be having problems, maybe because of my basic problem, maybe not.  I'm going to shut the whole thing down, disconnect all external drives except for the one I want to use as a backup, restart, kill all the autoloading programs and try to back up the system.  Then crack the case, replace my 2 x 0.5 TB drives, striped for "performance" under RAID 1,  with 2 x 1 TB drives, go to RAID 0 and reload my system....assuming I get it backed up.  Going to add 4 more USB 2.0 ports, 2 USB 3.0 ports and redo my cabling at the same time.  Wish me luck or pray to the deity of your choice, if that is your wish, for my success.

This may take a couple of daze......

Meanwhile my library will be offline.  Thought I would leave you with a shot I took during a photoshoot for my 2009 Dirty Show submission.  This was not entered.  [Took the photo offline after I was informed that it clicked through at hi res, will put it back in lo res when my computer system can handle it....not soon unfortunately]

Hope to be back in a few days.

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